New Kit

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New Member
OK so this week i have being playing around with lots of new kit and this is my opinion on the stuff!

Plastic trowel -
nice light and flexi.. fantastic for trowling up so easy .. cant damage your work so even a lab can do water needed ECt.. but yes it true it give a shinny polish instantly so all in all its not Worth having as no one needs a shinny serface.. shame

Refina Mega Mixer M30
first forts it was 2 slow i was right sent it back and got a replacement.. now this drill works fantastic and mixing multi finish is a dream top kit

800cm Refina spat and pole

Bit of practice but grate .. layed on a 7x4 ceiling then a quick flatten ..(went around tidy edges with trowel first time) then layed on 2nd and did the same.. then polished off with spat.. after a few ceilings i got the nack and no need for a trowel to tidy up after words on a quick look around light fittings..

then tried it on the wall.. still a fantastic taool for a quick flatten makes life so easy!

fort id give a sort review to help any1 who is thinking of trying some new kit!

Ebay board lift (£120)
Nice easy 3 bit set up not 2 heavy.. worked well at 120 its cheap for what it does.. i had teh lab putting ceilings on all day no problem!
Plastic trowel ebay
mixer and spatula refina online.
trowel ok mixer very good spatula going to get one now ive seen it on here. ;)
Nisus said:
oasis said:
every1 keeps pming me about the plastic trowel.. thing is it leave to much shine

take a look at this one i did all the room with a plastic polish..

Looks nice mate, I see the plastic trowel is good for tiger stripes. ::)
Kebab must own one aswell then ;D
New Kit
Was going to say, thats a lot of gear there for skimming boards.

You leave my Tiger stripes alone Nice reckons he had never seen them
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