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New Member
Moving over to London area shortly for work. any advice, tips or job opps appreciated. leaving the family at home so hope to get some plastering work as soon as i can but will labour to tide me over.
living in the south - waterford /tipp area. hopefully will get some contacts when im labouring. been plastering for nearly 20 years now. been self-employed for bout the last 10 years almost. ive the safepass and i have the national ins num and utr. anything else that would help me along?
living in the south - waterford /tipp area. hopefully will get some contacts when im labouring. been plastering for nearly 20 years now. been self-employed for bout the last 10 years almost. ive the safepass and i have the national ins num and utr. anything else that would help me along?
Just try to get into plastering ,plenty will see you as cheap labour if you go the labouring route, keep in touch, I am london based myself and there are a few more london based here, originally from laois myself, get yourself a little runaround van, a few hundred cards with your details and number on it, watch out for the knockers , a few fly by night contractors here too.. best of luck
thanks. didnt think of cards. will get onto that. ive a van here but if all starts to go well then i might bring it over.
My nephew has just come over, he is 28 and a plumber, owed money by loads in and around the midlands even his very next door neighbour, they need jailing for hiring and leaving people without, he has started a big site next to ******* town mainline station, 50 apartments each for sale for over 800k,london is in the midst of a mini boom now but no one wants to pay trades top dollar.. why is kent ish town in asterisks?
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