Newly qualified plasterer

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New Member
Hi all,
I am looking for work at the mo. Recently qualified from a 2 year course have done a few small jobs and a bit of labouring for a plasterer
,so hoping to find work within a company,possible starting as an improver or start on lower rate to gain more experience.

I am from Heywood any advice/offers would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Steve
Welcome Steve. I did a 4 year apprenticeship but my only training was with Albert Bailey who taught me what he could in the 6 months before he retired. Then I was back to the other old spreads who did not have the time of day for youth! I was in my last 2years of my apprenticeship self taught.

I learned all all the ways to do it wrong and there was only the right way left. Persevere with it and be determined to get there. Go on training courses and try and get invited to spend a day with spreads if only to watch. It have travelled all over the country to watch other renderers do something new and go to trade show.

Hit the youtube tube button you can learn quite a bit of there and get a full quality tool kit.

good luck with it!
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