Deleted member 23452
Been umming and ahing about getting a small battery circular saw. It'd be handy not having to use the mains one on occaisions, but not really essential. Yesterday I spotted that they have the 18v Makita on offer at Smiths for £88:00 bare. So I did a bit more umming and ahing at the thought of spending £88:00 for a non-essential.
Filled the van up today, fuel light not on, but low. £109:00 One Hundred and Nine tittyfcuking pounds for a tank of diesel!
So I'm definitely buying the bast4rd saw as it'll last a s**t load longer than the liquid gold I've just put in my tank.
Filled the van up today, fuel light not on, but low. £109:00 One Hundred and Nine tittyfcuking pounds for a tank of diesel!
So I'm definitely buying the bast4rd saw as it'll last a s**t load longer than the liquid gold I've just put in my tank.