No h & s

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Well-Known Member
been on a rush (urgent) job this weekend,, making sure everything ready for a big visit tomorrow.. funny how all the health and safety s--- goes out the window when it suites them
Basically, health and safety is for each and everyone of us to consider and have responsibility for, would I take risks for others or endanger others or allow others to endanger me or my guys, no, if the site is that un safe report it, they would red card you when it suits them, some of the h and s is ridiculous anyway but it's partly due to the suing culture and them lack of basic intelligence amongst some on site, most skilled trades are experienced and do not risk themselves or others..
I bet the site manager would of said he had something in his eye if something happened obviously didnt get it in there on site as he wud have his goggles on ....... He wud of had sum excuse and it would come back to you on why u wernt being safe and healthy at work not him
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