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New Member
hi all thought id say hi .im tony 21 from east anglia

new ish to plastering been working for a mate for the past 18months labouring.

that came to an end so thought id do something about training so tried to get on a c&g college course but as always computer said no :RpS_mad:
so i went for the dreaded outsider course but i must say it was the dogs danglys best thing ive ever done.
I dont claim to know it all everything is a learning exercise but im confident at what im doing.

im at the point where ive pink'd mine and mates houses lol got some more for family to do. then im planning on doing some small private jobs and getting started properly. ideally id like to got with someone else and be a 2nd spread but in this current climate thats doubtfull.

well thats enough from me im sure im boring you now. lol

any advice is welcomed greatly .

cheers Tone
You're right tone - getting with a more qualified spread IS the best step for you, I'm sure if you ask around enough you'll get your foot in the door & before ya knows it, you'll be right through it! will be better off doing that BEFORE you go taking on private jobs. Just in case you bollox things up like, cos a bad rep is easier to build than a good 'un:RpS_thumbup:
Thanks for the advice fella much appreciated.

Been trying hard for the last 5months to get with another spread but as they say easyer said than done.

im based nearly norwich mostly. but i am about in diss (suffolk) and stevenage (herts)

i would say about 30m2 ish i dont know for sure as what ive done so far is bits here and there for a few mates and im about to start 4 bedrooms for a member of family.

thats why id like to get with another spread to get better and faster

ive got a few pics of bits of done ill post up later.
I know mate. If I was quicker at stripping wall Paper I'd get abit more done lol The next job I've got to do is 170m2 in 2 1/2 days so that should see me getting abit quicker.
speed and quality comes with experience pal, the more use to getting bigger sets on the better it will be for you and youll get a routine going.
you dont pass your driving test and buy a bentley, everyones got to start somewhere.
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