OK a lot of Talk on the forum

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Private Member
About rendering in the cold whether ! what about rendering when its to hot , if you think of the two extremes the poor old render on a building has to suffer all weathers we have in this god forsaken land of our's all year round so that means expansion and re-traction of the render coats , then it begs the question of BS STANDARDS for expansion joints do you use them ? do you know where to use them ? and where-not to ? if when you are out and about shopping you take the time to look -up at the building you will see plenty of places where it has cracked and tented ,and generally failed , these are business opportunities for you to re-place if you can find the owner of the building and convince them to part with there hard earned cash !!!..............
The rapid drying is certainly a problem. I have only come across render fail due to frost above gas flues and below overflow pipes. usually where render is 100% soaked to start with.

But failure due to rapid drying I have had plenty of those to renew.

This is what annoys me with the public. Come late Autumn through to April they don,t want to know us but come April through to September the phone is always ringing. The amount of people what says I waited until summer as it is the right time for rendering or on a nice summers day they say 'luvly day for your job isn.t it?' Must be mad having rendering done on a rapid drying day.

But when I say mention frostproofers and a guarantee I sometimes get 'no I'll wait until Spring to be safe" but then mention rapid drying in summer it is 'well it's guaranteed isn't it?'.

Customers, they do my head in. I only put up with them for the money.

I leave nothing to chance with rapid drying. Work in the shade, cover walls up the night before if it faces East to avoid the mornings sun warming the wall up before an afternoon in the shade render. Wet walls down the day before and prior to render and then cover up to avoid drying out.

Never had a failure due to rapid drying but I know of plenty of others that have due to ignorance or simply not knowing how to avoid it.
I've rendered walls with moderate sun on them and whilst I had to run around sweating my balls off to get them finished, they haven't cracked.

Wind on the other hand is very different, a moderate breeze seems to crack S&C quite badly sometimes.
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