New Member
Looking for some help! I am starting the refurb of my dining room, house is 1950's semi, internal walls single course brick, externals 2 course brick with cavity. Plaster is your standard solid (? float and set, then skimmed).
Having removed the paper and skirting, some of the plaster comes away very easily in sheets as if not bonded to the wall at all. It also has lots of hairline cracks throughout.
Have attached pics/ videos. Any thoughts on what I should do? Is this patchable or should I bite the bullet and remove it all (wouldn't take much effort as will fall off!) Advice on what I would need to meet building regs with insulation reqs if all needed removing would be most appreciated. I had the plaster knocked off in my other rooms and then dot/ dabbed and am really not a fan of it, feels hollow/ rubbish to fix to, and as my floor is suspended timber don't want an air gap behind plaster for cold air to get in.
Looking for some help! I am starting the refurb of my dining room, house is 1950's semi, internal walls single course brick, externals 2 course brick with cavity. Plaster is your standard solid (? float and set, then skimmed).
Having removed the paper and skirting, some of the plaster comes away very easily in sheets as if not bonded to the wall at all. It also has lots of hairline cracks throughout.
Have attached pics/ videos. Any thoughts on what I should do? Is this patchable or should I bite the bullet and remove it all (wouldn't take much effort as will fall off!) Advice on what I would need to meet building regs with insulation reqs if all needed removing would be most appreciated. I had the plaster knocked off in my other rooms and then dot/ dabbed and am really not a fan of it, feels hollow/ rubbish to fix to, and as my floor is suspended timber don't want an air gap behind plaster for cold air to get in.