other trades

which other trade really get on your nerve's

  • Sparky's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chippy's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Brickie's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Painters's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Labourer's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dryliner's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Plumber's

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
just a bit of fun leave a comment on who you voted for.

i have gone for sprky's as they tend to show up at 10 and be gone for 2.
clean vans, clean tools and clean clothe's mean 1 thing
gotta be the sparks every time..
they turn up and seem to be everywhere all at once... wherever you try and get out of the way.. their there... running cables, 6 foot long tails hanging everywhere..
i might have gone for labourers but that aint a trade really is it.. whoever heard of an apprentice labourer! (though they really should have to take an nvq in 'anti-numptiness') ;D
Its got to be the sparks, they re a right pain in the arse. If they pI$$ me off to much I just leave there back box full of plaster, see how they like arsin around.
spark's if they aint in the way they stand there watching you work.
;D lol
dont take it to heart mate, its just that sparks are really the only other trade that come into close contact with plasterers... part from plumbers.. and they dont affect us that much, they end up makin a rod for their own back half the time..
chippies are in after us, so are the painters..
brickies are them blokes that can lift a ton but cant spell it right? ;D
just put plumbers on forgot those, ha.
you can tell im out of work at the mo.
i was in 2 minds to go with dryliners. leaving screws hanging out is my pet hate.
yeah yeah i no! i weren't taking it to heart! honest! most of oyu promise 1 thing and i get the opposite! e.g. yeah don't worry mate i'll clean out your boxes rah rah rah!!
o yeh forgot dryliners! still most of mine is domestic so my pet hate is the bloke that thinks he can tack a ceiling and uses 50mm galvo clouts, doesnt stagger em and looks at me gone out when i try and explain it needs to be staggered for joist twist etc..
maybe should have 'customers' up there too ;D
i dont really like any of them
sparky's - as above
chippy's - know every thing "oh ah lad i can board, done plasterin on mi own ouse luks oreet"
brickies - " your dot and dab will cover that up"
painters - "get bloody plaster everywhere down frames"
labourers - "im not sweeping that up, do u know who i am"
dryliners - " there's more to boarding that u think and this tin stud is amazing"
plumbers - "my public liability was 4 grand, watch my drill its not a cheap un you know"

(french word) em all
got to be sparkys ;D.........but anyone infront of you can be murder on price
FatmanWithATrowel said:
No brainer this.

Id love to add home owners or DIY enthusiasts to the list.

yep, i'm with you on this one (wish i'd thought of it!)
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