paintable render waterproofer

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New Member
Alright fellas,

Looked at a job this morning customer just bought the house gutted inside bare brick no cavity house the walls are soaked outside has been rendered shockingly i might add and looks like its not got any waterproofer in i think it was builder having a bash at it, its aso part painted

The question is is there a roll on waterproofer paint product that any of you boys use that you could recommend, i have found one that looks ok made by

they wont knock the render off as they havent got the wedge :rolleyes)
Looks like you answerwd your own question matey.

Really it needs an insulation render system but no wedgy no warmy.

Hibuild is very elastomeric too
I used this stuff on the company I done my aprentiship with Link Removed really good stuff on porous render and brick work
I have used hi build its works well on jobs like that, just trowel it on with a cheap trowel and hawk as u will need to bin them after.

I used a textured roller on it, looks well and saves cash.
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