Paying to go to work

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Private Member
The other day I got a ticket on my van for parking in a 2 hour bay directly outside the property I was working in Bristol city centre. I caught the traffic warden putting a ticket on my van even through I clearly had a tradesman at work sign with the property number and my mobile in the van window. When I challenged her about putting a ticket on my van, she said she wasn't allowed to phone mobiles and that just because I'm a tradesman I was not exempt from getting a ticket. She said I have to phone the council and hire out the bay...then a coning team come day and night to cone off a space for me. I phoned the council and they say it will cost £53 for 2 days can you believe this s**t that's almost half a days wages.

Any ideas for getting out of this one? I was thinking just to put a bigger sign on the window so everyone can see put the same parking ticket back on and if I get another one plead ignorance?
Couldn't you drop all your gear/tools off then park around the corner or somewhere you don't have to pay?
I've had to do that a few times.:RpS_thumbdn:
Depends if there's anywhere else for you to park though?
It doesn't matter how big your sign is, if there's no parking allowed, there's no parking allowed. Pay the money and put it on the bill.
I usually ask the property owner about parking, they usually have the best solution whether it be using their allocated space, residents permit, or nearest P & D. Only thing you can do now is appeal, and if it's council parking yer probably f*cked. Private car parks are a different matter - often unenforceable.:RpS_thumbup:
go to the town hall and get a parking dispensation-give it all the blah about back and forth to the van-alternatively get a f**k*d up disease and get a blue badge but that only gives 3 hrs and then theres no return in 1 hr
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