payment terms.

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Private Member
There must be something we can all club together and do to make sure these T***s pay us within 30day terms. a lot of the firms I have done work for a taking the piss and taking up to 150 days to pay me which asa small business is crippling.

There should be a law that on the day its past 30 days we should be able t otake quick, fast action to get our money withing days/weeks not drag things out through the courts.


Rich x x
If youve got money Start building you're own houses the turnarounds quicker lol feel for you mate I can't go a week at the mo proper skint
it is a big problem in this country one of the main reasons i would nt even try and become biggish its just not worth it it will kill you.

in the states you got a material deposit to start the job and a weekly draw.basically if they didnt give you a draw say on the 2nd week it was off the job with not too much lost.meanwhile you would get paid cos if you didnt you could put a lien on the propertry stopping it from ever being sold untill a satisfactory outcome was achieved
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that's exactly what they do. they represent you legally, with lots of support in terms of expert advice and resources

lot's of my mates have used their unions successfully to deal with s**t bosses.

If you look at the amount of businesses like big retail stores that ban unions - they must work to our advantage
i hear what your saying but its a step backwards imo although if powerfull enuff it may work.too many variants in our game too make it work.a simple law stopping buildings being handed over to large clients or sold on would suffice,but even that has flaws if say its a long job
its funny you should mention that, im having same problems myself.
developer we did some work for owes a good chunk of money from the end of November a last payment of about 16 grand,what with other jobs on the go since it soon adds up,so i know what you mean.the problem is working for big boys is they use you for a bank in that they use what they owe you, as a cash flow until thet get paid.
general public arnt much better either,im owed about 18 grand on that front also, there decent size projects so not just like skimming an odd room where youd get paid there and then.i still have to pay lads at the end of week and suppliers etc.
lack of cashflow for a small business is like a cancer it soon spreads and before you know it your f**ked.
Is not possible to have a contract or verbal agreement just what there terms of payment are. I know some lads who are on 90 day payment feck that. All we become is part of there overdraft or they think we are.
You need to get payment terms agreed before you start. I'll gladly work for someone for a fortnight, but then I want some money, especially if i have guys helping me out. It's the recession that has made me do this as i'm afraid I don't trust any f@cker. The company that I do a lot of work for generally pay me in 2 stages, ie: once i've completed the boarding ( I supply & fix) and then on completion of the taping.
that's why we stopped working for big builders and doing really big projects ....

90% domestic with maximum time of 2 weeks between payments on a job

never had a problem with domestic customers paying on this basis .....

must be difficult rich ...

banks don't help either
it is a big problem in this country one of the main reasons i would nt even try and become biggish its just not worth it it will kill you.

in the states you got a material deposit to start the job and a weekly draw.basically if they didnt give you a draw say on the 2nd week it was off the job with not too much lost.meanwhile you would get paid cos if you didnt you could put a lien on the propertry stopping it from ever being sold untill a satisfactory outcome was achieved

partially true.
rarely do we ever get a material deposit....only time I ever ask for one is if the material is out of the norm or is expensive ...say like a lime marmorino for instance.....

as for liens,they work, but if the owner does not want to pay on time and has cash ...he simply puts the funds owed in trust and it could sit there for years ...if they are on a bank mortgage .....then a lien would work....but even then a year could go by before the units/building is forsale/ both cases they have your money and a lien would not bother them.

as for liening you have,at least here in Namerica... 40 days after substantial completion of the project to file the lien.

Most builders expect to be billed on the 25th of the month ...and then pay the bill on the first of the following month...note, not the next month ...the month after that so bill feb25th ...and get the bill paid 1st april.......this is normal
Can you not do interim payments? I don't do many commercial jobs so don't know how it works...but on large domestic have charged on completion of each item to keep the cash flow rolling...not easy though know where your coming from. When your contracting its a nightmare with the lads on your back to get paid and you can't do nothing but wait.
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