Plasprime - Application and Scrim

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New Member
Hi all,

Bought some plasprime to do my ceiling and walls.

First question - Do I scrim being applying plasprime? Must be difficult to see the cracks after application?

Secondly - What is the best way to apply the stuff? Will be a right job and a half with just a brush on the ceiling, can I use a sponge roller?

Many thanks.
I will tell you something last year I used plasprime over a old lath ceiling it look like a patchwork quilt did not used tape , A year on
and it still looks good no cracks , what I will say the lime was still soilid to the laths, I use a block apply the plasprime.
I haven't used plasprime but i do use WBA (wickes bonding agent). I normally just use a roller for application and a small paintbrush for the edges, put the tapes on first.
ive tried all different ways to apply and the best for me is a roller with a heavy nap .i water it down slightly about 10% and brush in angles and skirting (if its on).also have a bucket of clean water and sponge for cleaning off surfaces that need it.

scrim first.once dry you will all ready be feeling very happy as you will know you ve now got the right bonding agent on.the beauty is there is no having to apply plaster when tacky milarky so that eliminates those issues.

good luck
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