Plasterboard edging beads

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I've got a couple of ceilings to overboard with cornice round the outside. Going to use plasterboard edging beads. And set the boards back a couple of inches from the cornice.

Is it best to set it out first i.e mark out the ceiling, then fix the beads, then board to the beads?

Chalkline the area, board to the lines but dont screw right to the edge of the boards.

Push on your edge beads, then screw the perimetre of the boards.
It can be a bugger of a job to push boards into beads sometimes so give the edge a slight chamfer - also use with wing side down/outwards so you can skim to the edge.
Do tapered edge help
Too much play I guess (plus that'd only work for two sides as ends aren't beveled) - plus beads are always slightly bigger than board size by a mill or so. I always chamfer the back edge slightly, push on and use a short length of lathe to tap against so its nice and tight.
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