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I use an peugeot estate for plastering so have probs transporting boards and don't wanna pay delivery unless i have 3 ceilings to overboard next week was thinking of buying 8 x 4s from wickes and cutting them in half to fit in car...any probs with doing this as far as board size goes and hitting the joists?
should be alright mate but cut them at exactly 1.2 neatly like you would on site dont just f**k the knife down them to get them in the car ;D i'd be tempted to get an extra piece of handy board aswell to be safe........or get 1800 x 900 boards
Just pay the £20 quid delivery mate.Use a small local firm not the likes of b&q etc...use them regulary and theyll always get u out the s**t when u need them bords in a hurry.
you cant seriously think you can board out a ceiling in 4x4 ( once cut in half ) and expect a good flat finish.
I was buying 6 x 3 but thought i could save some dosh going for 8 x 4 as they are both almost the same price! so i need to cut the 8 x 4 exactly in half?
if joists are set at 600mm you should get a 1.2m board up ....bear in mind this is theoreticall ........have you done much boarding mate?'s pretty tricky on youre tod and i would go down the 1800 x 900
route meself
Haven't done any for a long time so long that i've forgotten whether to run the boards with the joists or parellel to? the ceilings are all flat, have been board previously but the boards have cracked for some reason...checked out the joist from the loft all seems sound. Will go for the 6 x 3s then specially since i haven't done it for a while.
15ft high celling i had to over board yesterday mate ahh was a paing in the lower back !!!! even with my labourer. good luk on the job any way mate
Yea i've priced it all in on the original quote 6 x 3s but then thought i might be able to save a wanted to know what you lot do. Trie to get a hand on this job full reskim of a house asked the 3 lads i know do a decent job in my area 2 of them have work til end of feb other til june...theres some positive news for ya!
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