plastering large ceilings or stirwells

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when plastering large ceilings or even stairwells, does anybody use doorstop to split the ceiling in half. then plaster the one half, take the doorstop down and then plaster the other half. if so can anybody give me any tips or tricks. thanks for replies christ
I never split finish coats. Far better to use rolling gauge.
I've heard of people using masking tape for an edge but I have to say I haven't tried it.
When you say "large". How big?
Over 30m I'd probably be phoning danny!! ;D
I've cut and pasted this from a post I put on another thread.

"A rolling gauge is a syatem of laying on in that allows you to huge areas.
Goes like this
Imagine you have a wall about 100m long (it doesn't matter just too long to do in one hit)
Mix up a half gauge of plaster and lay on the first coat. section 1
Mix up a full gauge and flatten off section 1 then apply new mix over section 1 and go ont next bit laying on first coat. Section 2
Next gauge lay on second coat to section 2 and first to next section. section 3
Now first wet trowel section 1 and second coat section 3 and first coat new bit. section 4.
Second trowel section 1 first trowel section 2 flatten section 3
section 1 should now be about finished and your moving to second coat section 5 first coat section 6 second trowel section 2 and first trowel section 3 and flatten section etc etc etc
it means your always laying onto a wet edge."

Treat that as a guide and work to the gear.

Good luck
agree with you dpbeds about 30mtrs is my max anymore than that im struggling.I always use planks and tressels for anything over 10mtrs ,Ican't get on with stilts but like to be able to walk a ceiling through that way the hard work is done after the first trowel.
had an ali deck out the other week...just kept gettin the labourer to push me along...funny when the wet bucket fell off when we hit a bump... ;D
The plasterere I started out with always used to join the ceilings we did, could have had something to do with them being approx 80m2 and about 7 m high. We used to skim the boards and stop where the scaffold stopped, trowel off then cut it back with the trowel so that it was to the 2/3mm.

We would then work up close to skimming that was finished before and at the final trowel we would work it upto the other stuff and keep the edge clean.

I always patch this way aswell and the joints are invisible if you keep the existing plaster clean, this means washing down with a sponge to achieve the finished job.
I don't like joining coats, we're doing a 100m2 ceiling next week and have draughted in help from another spread we know. In all there will be 5 spreads on it so we can do it in one, far better finish.
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