plastering over wood chip wall papper

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Hi All

We went to look at a job today skimming a living room and hall way its all chip paper on looking behined the rad you can see that the paper has been put straight on to bare plaster board now i know if we try to strip this we will damage the boards so is it ok to scrape it back and treat it with wba and then skim or is there another way lads
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I'd be tempted to WBA it. If the golden rule that the substrate is stable, and woodchip never seems to fail, it should work - shouldn't it?
Think I would strip it off, couple of coats pva then a tight coat of bonding, and scim as usual when thats pulled in.
How about gyp bond a tight coat of bonding with mesh bedded into it incase any of the wood chip failed then skim, I know lads who've skimmed over wood chip and not had probs give em a few quotes another way would be grip fill new plasterboard over the top and mechanically fix it, scare the life out of them with this method saying how expensive it is but the only way you can guarantee it not failing then hopefully they'll understand if a bit pops off if you just reskimmed it
Hi Lads

you carnt really scrape this stuff off the boards as it will destroy the board overboarding carnt really be done as there is coving in livingroom and hallway if i bond it carnt the papper still fail????
won't the bondit bond the paper to the wall even more?

If it's not porous, like it's painted, it could fail I guess
no it won't bond it to the wall you nutter lol it'll seal it a lot better than pva that reduces the chance of it blowing, mshaw it's a risk but the alternatives especially cause it's direct to board are very expensive from what I've heard it's got a lot less of a chance of failing than normal wallpaper
Fair shout spunky, I think thats the only way to go and bed the mesh into the first coat of scim or into a tight coat of bonding
Ive heard people have done it before with no probs.
But i wouldn't do it. At the end if the day it is skimming onto wallpaper!! :-0
I'd get it all off & Ive done a few woodchip on plasterboard before trust me what a nightmare :RpS_scared:

It will come off though mate just don't use a steam stripper.
Scrape the nibs off then scrape as much off dry as you can also score it with a knife and/or a paper perforator thingy :RpS_wink: then wet down with warm soapy water & just keep going over it wetting it in until it's soaked enough to remove it.
Then make good damaged boards before skimming.

BUT...if you are gonna skim over i wouldn't knock any of the chips off as any moisture that gets through will go through to the back of the paper & you dont want that!
Probably a couple of days :RpS_laugh:

But I can see why people wanna skim over the cunting stuff.
Just a risk if it's been put up sh1t aint it.

Plus customers that pay less for a job are the hardest to please.
had a job to do a few months ago for a builder reskim a whole house and they refused flat to strip it or to pay me to strip it exactly the same situation wood chip on bare board, wba on the wall and skimmed throughout only had 2 or 3 small patches which failed and the decorator said he would get over that.
came out nice but i diddnt like doin the work just seemed like a complete bodge but it wassnt happening any other way. i would do it again but only if my back was against the wall
It's easy innit if people want a job done properly then they have to put there hand in the pocket along as they understand the consequences I can't see a prob
exactly ive spent ages telling people how to do a job properly before to no avale so with said builder i just get in keep my head down do my work and get paid, if it goes wrong fcuk em i warned them they want cheep they get cheep
I did a office block a few weeks ago on papered board and used thistle bond-it, first coat of skim goes on fine but you have to wait till it starts to blow as it will in sections then scrape out the areas then second coat and it goes in fine.
THere is not many offer this service woodchip skiming I suppose dom will jump on the bandwagon and offer this service now.
I thought i read some where that goldcomb did a 2 day weekend course on woodchip skimming!!!!!!!:RpS_thumbup:
2 day doubt it mate I don't think any of there courses go over 6 mins and that includes an introduction to plumbing, tiling, electrics and structural engineering exceeding 42m high :RpS_thumbup:
Give the customer the option,but if it were me i'd get a lab in there on day rate make 50% on him and sit at home watching jeremy kyle until hes done.
Hi Lads

went back round tonight and told her that we would not skim it as it was and we could not garantee that it would not crack or bubble but did stick two of the labs we have in on day rate to scrab it off for us so happy days then we will wba it and skim it lol
Tell them to be a wee bit careful if they take the paper off the board the gypsum will fall apart
hi spunky

all we have gave them is a bucket a spunge and a scraper lol thay are good lads so should be ok am expecting to do some making good of the boards carnt really get away from it on this job
My secret weapon for opening the surface of woodchip paper up ready for either steaming or soaking is a mono scraper.
Oh **** I've just given my only decent idea away.
I use a mono scraper for everything andy its especially good as a surf on board or taking out high spots from that bit of roughing you laid on the day before because you didn't want to throw it.
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