Could someone settle a couple of questions please which has arisen on another forum?
for an internal stud wall with plasterboard facings;
a) should the door linings protrude past the plasterboard so that the plaster skim will finish level with the edge of the linings?
b) Re plasterboard without a plaster skim finish; does this really give an acceptable finish for an internal wall when decorated or do you tend to see where the joins have been filled or cracks where boards join.
for an internal stud wall with plasterboard facings;
a) should the door linings protrude past the plasterboard so that the plaster skim will finish level with the edge of the linings?
b) Re plasterboard without a plaster skim finish; does this really give an acceptable finish for an internal wall when decorated or do you tend to see where the joins have been filled or cracks where boards join.