plastic bell cast beads

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Private Member
starting a job next week and need to form a bell cast around a round bay, anyone
know anyone in london area who stocks em ? cheers
irish_spread said:
starting a job next week and need to form a bell cast around a round bay, anyone
know anyone in london area who stocks em ? cheers

screwfix and b and q do now aswell but they are both expensive
nick0412 said:
irish_spread said:
starting a job next week and need to form a bell cast around a round bay, anyone
know anyone in london area who stocks em ? cheers

screwfix and b and q do now aswell but they are both expensive

cheers nick, tried selco etc but didnt think b n q or s/fix would bother with rendering stuff. Not
worried about cost cos onlyneed about 12m of flexi bell cast, rendering front an back of house
plus 2 storey wrap around extension

thanks mate, saved me a massive drive around on saturday :)
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