plastics things for srapindoor frames

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Alright lads. I've had this yellow plastic handle with v shape on either side. I've lost mine while ago an lookedveveryeere for them. Anyone know what am going on bout and were to get them . Also seen few lads have them in orange. Thanks men
Use them for scrapping plaster of door frames leaves it tidy . Had mine for ten years an lost it other month and cnt find them anywhere
Yeh I've got one had it about ten years it has two ends on it, one end for thin casings and the other for thicker casings. Mine is also yellow but the thicker casing end broke years ago, a mate gave it me he seen them in a builders yard on offer I think it is called a dovetailed doofus but I've never seen them since, great little tool.
They are great mate . I got mine from keele . I asked everyone an one lad said it was promotional thing an had been discontinued
Yeh he might have got it from keels, Warrington probably and they were being given out free at the counters, can't see them making a killing from them coz I've had mine ten years.
Use them for scrapping plaster of door frames leaves it tidy . Had mine for ten years an lost it other month and cnt find them anywhere

Scraping not scrapping.

Is it one of these? Not plastic but close to your description.

Look at this on eBay:

Rendering angle plane 18" render mortar K-rend,8 steel blades aluminium body 18"

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I don't think i've scraped a frame since I was a teenager! I quickly wipe the frame over with my trowel to remove excess as i'm coating up, then run the brush up them to clean them up when doing the wet trowel.
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