do yourself a favour kirk throw it in the nearest bin
Plastering over Artex - Plastic trowels - YouTube
Heres a new video that we uploaded recently showing the plastic trowels putting on over heavy artex.
We are in the process of uploading more later tonight showing rounded corners and more.
Plaster needed to be thicker because of the artex being deep in places and uneven walls.
down to personal choice with the drywall, you can bond it too.
couldnt use bead because of the bullnoses, besides there was nothing straight in the job to bead and everything was done freehand due tot he nature of the walls.
Didnt need surface prep because the artex was thick which was the key to it
Funny as feck:RpS_laugh:
It never ceases to amaze me the crap people will put on youtube thinking they're good at what they're doing.
What in the holy **** balls mother of moses peter and ******* paul was that video about lol. I havent seen someone play a game of hide the light switch in ages. Nevermind floating with skim or using dab on what looks like timber. My favourite bit was the old shoe holding up the dust sheet lol
Is this vid also over artex!! Again doesn't look like any prep, ie WBA, bond it, pva even?why is the wall only gettin done half way down from cceilin???Plastering with Plastic Trowel - Plaziflex - YouTubeHere is another video showing the trowels in use laying on, second coating and finishing, with a few pics at the end that we took in between. Its got a few clips showing curved corners. More is to come.
But that's not fair lots of people would have liked to have watched that. Personally I was looking forward to part II where the light switches suddenly appeared again, just after there was a dull thud on the floor.
He didn't delete this though
Just for you steve :RpS_laugh:
It's not the trowel that's the prob Carl it's you poor workmanship?? Put the vids back up and discussNot really, there just been changed to private. The whole point of those videos were to show a few people who have been asking questions on these forums for example putting on, or when some people only use for finishing or second coating. Remember when people didn't think you can use them on SnC, but another guy - Oasis i believe had put a video on here showing it in use and liked it, this was the intent, but he has removed it from Youtube. I seem to recall you, beddy using these trowels - Fair enough they won't be to everyones liking. But there are others who do like them. As for DannyMac -You seem to have purchased a trowel in march from handtools and wrote on these forums about liking it but wondered about sharpeing / sanding down, using a steel to lay on. The second video demonstrates using without any steel, and you can see in the end there is a picture showing the polish of the chimney breast.Again, beddy and essexboy were conflicting each other about "whos the best" in the forums under "ultimate plastic trowels" thats got 5k views, hot topic and some good feedback.From the criticism on today's post doesn't look like no one wanted to view the videos, and there where more to come. If anyone does what to see them then please inbox me and i can send the invitation via youtube email. Or any general questions. At the end of the day, Ill go head to head with anyone on there steel.
Is the shoe refina ?