Podcast #1 ~ Quoting Jobs & Price Conditioning

I gave it a solid go. Even though I find that old t**t annoying.

I nearly made it to 3 minutes!

“Look at the person, if they’re tidy the chances are their bank balance is too and they’re tidy payers. If scruffy they’re bad payers”

What a thick c**t. I’ve had far more issues with the “tidy ones” who think because they have money they can make you wait.

Also the wealthiest people I’ve met are what he considers scruffy. Met one bloke wore joggers n drove a shitty van. Turns out he’s a mega millionaire running gyms and supplement comapnies.
Here’s how to price a f**k**g job.

Turn up on time.

Don’t judge the customer despite how “tidy” they are

Be straight. Don’t be a bitch. If you don’t want to do it then just say so. Don’t string them along because you’re scared to say you don’t fancy it.

Don’t price it on the spot. Tell them you’ll ring or contact later after checking your diary, with a price and availability.

When you give them the price and availability, politely tell them the availability is as of the phone call. That slot could be gone by tomorrow. This usually encourages them to book straight away and also lets them know you’re busy and not to waste your time either.

And finally don’t be cheap.
I gave it a solid go. Even though I find that old t**t annoying.

I nearly made it to 3 minutes!

“Look at the person, if they’re tidy the chances are their bank balance is too and they’re tidy payers. If scruffy they’re bad payers”

What a thick c**t. I’ve had far more issues with the “tidy ones” who think because they have money they can make you wait.

Also the wealthiest people I’ve met are what he considers scruffy. Met one bloke wore joggers n drove a shitty van. Turns out he’s a mega millionaire running gyms and supplement comapnies.
Here’s how to price a f**k**g job.

Turn up on time.

Don’t judge the customer despite how “tidy” they are

Be straight. Don’t be a bitch. If you don’t want to do it then just say so. Don’t string them along because you’re scared to say you don’t fancy it.

Don’t price it on the spot. Tell them you’ll ring or contact later after checking your diary, with a price and availability.

When you give them the price and availability, politely tell them the availability is as of the phone call. That slot could be gone by tomorrow. This usually encourages them to book straight away and also lets them know you’re busy and not to waste your time either.

And finally don’t be cheap.
I can’t be arsed to listen to that dude anymore but I agree on both counts.

I’ve had more trouble with wealthy people and their nice big houses than the lower income families who worked hard to make sure they had the cash for me on the day I’m due to finish. And they make a better more regular brew!
Here’s how to price a f**k**g job.

Turn up on time.

Don’t judge the customer despite how “tidy” they are

Be straight. Don’t be a bitch. If you don’t want to do it then just say so. Don’t string them along because you’re scared to say you don’t fancy it.

Don’t price it on the spot. Tell them you’ll ring or contact later after checking your diary, with a price and availability.

When you give them the price and availability, politely tell them the availability is as of the phone call. That slot could be gone by tomorrow. This usually encourages them to book straight away and also lets them know you’re busy and not to waste your time either.

And finally don’t be cheap.
Yep , can't handle the " don't be cheap " bit very well
Have never quoted , just charge by hour as its overskim , been going to London off and on , gave myself a 50% pay rise lol
Fair call lurpack, maybe I shouldn't have said Summary, 'cos it is long and yes, windy. You've got a lot of experience, there's lots of other bits in there that you probably know or do without thinking, that new trades coming in won't know.
Maybe it should be in Newbies section, if they underprice and/or go on the books for pennies we moan about it.

Re tidy, yeah agreed, I seen two builders stiffed for large sums by wealthy mingers in large houses and they tried to do it to me also, but tidy as opposed to shithole/other also applies to smaller places and incomes and I've had that aswell.
There are some good points in the video but likewise totally agree with Lurpy on the tidy thing.. a load of b*ll***s.

30 minute video to essentially say charge as much as you think you can get away with and be professional.

Seems quite basic to some of us but you only have to read posts on here to understand a lot of people don't have a clue how to run a business or value what they do.