Polishing and Trowelling?

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um...er...well u polish with a trowel, but you dont trowel with a polish..you use a trowel...??? :-?
Thanks lol,

What i meant was

Some people call it polishing and some people call it trowelling, is it the same thing,

Just when you splash a little water on the plaster then smooth it over?
well i call 'trowelling up' anything after ive flattened the second coat...i call polishing nipping back to it when its got loads of dark spots and just wipping over with a dry trowel, or maybe a light mist off the squirty bottle just to give the customer something to stroke!...
to be honest i tend not to polish too much anyway, ill try and get it right 2nd trowel after flatten, all about the timing...
One thing you dont want to do is polish too much unless you want to piss off the painters ;D Done a job a while ago and it was onto limelite. Well it seems to hold realy wet on limelite and it was pimpling a bit so had to wait until it was brown before it would flatten right out as a consequents it was realy polished and shiny well the painter put a coat of emulsion on to it and it basically didnt take and it all flaked off its still like it now and the painter has put a coat of pva onto it for the paint to take i have never heard of this but he's an old guy and seemed to know what he's doing.
eggshell...thats what a painter once told me he was after...thing is, try tellin that to a private customer... :-/
i try and go for ' silky smooth to the touch when set (brown), which dries to a fine eggshell' in a perfect world...
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