Polymer render job


Active Member
hello all
I've got a polymer render job to do on 7n block work with 10mm thickness required which needs mesh applying.
It says contractors choice
Any advice which is the best material to use also it's to be rubbed up and painted
Ok thanks
We're a bit behind with the polymer renders
I've been asked to do 650m2 with a colored polymer render as cheap as poss
Nothing changes
I've told them it's not cheap
They were after a polymer render that coul go on 10mm thick that's colored
Is carbon base a polymer render?
I thought it was just a OCR
You'll struggle to get a decent finish with a polymer render.
It sounds like there getting confused with products

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Is carbon base a polymer render?
I thought it was just a OCR
You'll struggle to get a decent finish with a polymer render.
It sounds like there getting confused with products

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Yes I told them that I had only used polymer on EWI work or over rendered finishes.
The architects are so far behind over here they won't spec Ocr which holds us back with experiance on these products