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Well-Known Member
Looks like we have help bale out these bunch of peasents now it will be Spain next while we all have to struggle and bale our own banks out, if this country is skint how can we afford this and firing £80.000 missiles into Lybia and the other day we gave Pakistan a few mill,makes my blood boil.
Dont get me on that it makes my blood boil. That's why dave. dare not give the UK the vote in or out.
its a joke it will cost taxpayer they reckon about 4 billion,
as for missiles and Libya ive already posted on that.
and to top it all off were still gving foreign aid to India and they have an economy increasing by nearly 5% per annum plus they have a space program.
Our government have just said they are giving £650 million to help build schools in Pakistan as an apology for colonising them 20 million years ago ffs.

The colonies was wrong but it wasnt me, and I dont see why I should apologise and give them all the tax I will ever pay in my life and all the tax my friends and family will ever pay in their entire lioves too.
the pakistani government are sending us 20,000 tonnes of raw sewage as an apology and some attempt to make up for colonising half of britain...
I bet you a tax inspector cannot show you were it says you have to pay income tax.

my cousin flies a merlin helicopter-hes had two stints in afghanistan-hes off to jordan next month to get ready for the next invasion-could well be saudi and then the shits gonna hit the fan-i say nuke the F*****g lot of em then pop in and nick there oil?
wasnt iran part of the deal the us had with stingers back in the 80's after the russians bugged out? or is that the wrong film?
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