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Leb temp nowadays Grand i dont think so all they want to sell now is that smelly stuff, Afgani black with crystals in it was ok.
grand wizard said:
lebanese temple ball even better

Sorry to disagree grand....think its Nepalese Temple Ball you mean........made rolled into a ball then buried in the ground for 4 months......mold starts to accure and cause the outside to have white streaks in it....made by the monks on the mountains of the Himallyas and thus why its called temple ball.....not lebanan..that was just plain old gold seal...or moody red seal..called cause thats what plastic it was packed in.....;o)
As for sweeties......its all about the sherbert UFO's
Flynnyman I heard your slower than an Christy Brown with a trowel on his foot :D ;)
grand wizard said:
lebanese temple ball even better
i thought the temples were in nepal?
temple balls get heated and put into little dishes on the end of chains and swung round the temple...
then some idiot brit decided to munch one and started selling any old squidgy stuff as 'temple ball'...
thats what some buddhist monk told me anyway...

lol just read phippsy's contribution... should really read the whole thread... ::)
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