price cock up

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New Member
think i may have cocked up a price yesterday,would just like to know what other people think???the job was a biggish bay area under a window in a was i would have to rip it all out then i would put all new insullation in for her,put on some new boards then reskim then seal the windows which was causing the damp...i said £290 all in....i went away thinking should of been £200...
sounds like a days work plus mats, so £200 but if you can get it for £290 then you best sit the customer down and make them tea
At bit on the expensive side,but she might go with that.
It still a days work plus the time to get mterials and the time involved in going to quote.
Your not a charity
read the title and thought hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ive got a gold cock card so might be able to help, but sorry i cant :)
You ain't as bad as a mate of mine as he priced a job he told me that it was a weeks work we did it in a day :o and he had charged her £1200 :o :o it was a bit embarrassing as he had told her that it would take a week, and at the end of the day she even came up with the money fair play but i told him if i would of priced the job i would of probably gone in at £300 i said he could price all our jobs from now on;D
bod i did one job with a certain someone he went to have a look at it and was on the phone yeh dave 1500 we'll make money ........i had a look and priced it at 3400 .......we made 200 a day and paid 2 labs and the customer was well chuffed ............he must have popped his head around the corner and thought mmmmmmmm yep thatll do tada ..........hi ho hi ho its off to home i go ;D
Not only did he do it once he did it a again he said "i just priced a job for next week" he told me it was a weeks work again and said the price was £1800 we did the job in 2 days spent the rest of the week in the pub ;)
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