pricing rendering?

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New Member
how do you price rendering? i go by how many days it will take me,but i do the same with all plastering.

my problem is,rendering is harder and more skilled imo,so how should i price it?
Deepends on how much ya talking about £33m2 ish, plus gear , deepends where you live, what your using, etc, etc, etc.
kebab king said:
Yes.But if its only small you cant go on the meter.As i said earlier.

i can scratch and bead it in a short day and 2 days to top it off but like you say the scaff and prep will take a day.
m33spread said:
how do you price rendering? i go by how many days it will take me,but i do the same with all plastering.

my problem is,rendering is harder and more skilled imo,so how should i price it?
if it s house to do two gables back and half front i would say 1800 .. 2100 labour
georgemealy75 said:
m33spread said:
how do you price rendering? i go by how many days it will take me,but i do the same with all plastering.

my problem is,rendering is harder and more skilled imo,so how should i price it?
if it s house to do two gables back and half front i would say 1800 .. 2100 labour

yeah about that,i have made mistakes in the past with rendering :'(
Haha sorry in a daydream at.the minute just underpriced a load of thin coat k rend went off the builders measurements and.came up two tubs short with delivery it's and expensive mistake was already under priced.
Builders measurements ,are you mad :RpS_scared: ,i always give a m2 price ,just in-case they forget 30 m2 :RpS_cursing:
Job we did last yr, the builder miss measured 60 m2 on a floor, floor guys were per m2 @£100 ......**** happens
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