pricing up by the metre

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New Member
hello friends just woundering if anyone could help me when i price a job i kinder guess how long it will take me and hope i get the price bout right,now that im working for myself everyone wants to no how much i charge by the metre and one bloke wants his house plastered and he lives 1 hour drive away so hes emailing me the measurement of each room and he wants a rough price,,,,,,so i was just woundering how much people charge by the metre and if you add a bit on for a door,window etc and is it the same price for a ceilling as it is for a wall as i charge a bit more for a ceilling....thanks
on site the reports are anything from 2.50 a metre to 6 a metre, cielings same as..
i usually charge by the set, but if they want a metre quote its (small set/metreage=price per metre)
say 6 a metre + materials so maybe 6.50
if they want it like that i always stipulate exactly what im prepared to do for it i.e. nothing except plaster the walls...carpets/furniture gone, wallpaper completely gone etc...
if youve got any inkling its gonna be itsy bitsy areas or a complete arse then up it considerably..
if your working for yourself then you dont really price per meterage unless its for a builder doing site or commercial work, domestic is a whole diffirent game, you charge by the day plus materials, if its a whole house re-skim then a 3 bedroom house ill do it for about 2400incl, its impossible to price by the metre on domestics i price each job on ave 200 a day plus materials, i work it by how long it will take me then x the day rate and materials
like the others say if its a domestic job just go in at £180-£200 a day, but regarding window walls and around doors just price the area as though the window/ door was not there because it takes more messing around doing reveals and around door frames than actually skimming the whole area.
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