Prize winner details


Private Member
Please bare with me whilst I sort this all out
1: 800mm Eze Spat & tpf mug 14"Kraft trowel & 16" s*p*r*lex trowel
Winner @Lodan please send your address to @Plasterers1StopShop and @Gibbo

2: Nela Carbon steel trowel & 600speedskim& tpf mug
Winner @Dropsalot please send me your address and @Danny and @Lodan

3: 0x stainless steel trowel and 1200 speedskim&tpf glass
Winner @theclemo please send @Vincey , @Dropsalot and @Danny your address please

4: Pair of vintage carbon steel Marshall town extralites
@Formby plastering please send me your address

5: 0x corner trowel , roll of carpet protector and a box of scrim
@Rossi46 please send @Pagey , @John j and @JessThePlasterer your address
6: Signed copy of Children's book 'Magnetix' by John Flyn
@Simon85 please send @flynnyman your address
Please bare with me whilst I sort this all out
1: 800mm Eze Spat & tpf mug 14"Kraft trowel & 16" s*p*r*lex trowel
Winner @Lodan please send your address to @Plasterers1StopShop and @Gibbo

2: Nela Carbon steel trowel & 600speedskim& tpf mug
Winner @Dropsalot please send me your address and @Danny and @Lodan

3: 0x stainless steel trowel and 1200 speedskim&tpf glass
Winner @theclemo please send @Vincey , @Dropsalot and @Danny your address please

4: Pair of vintage carbon steel Marshall town extralites
@Formby plastering please send me your address

5: 0x corner trowel , roll of carpet protector and a box of scrim
@Rossi46 please send @Pagey , @John j and @JessThePlasterer your address
6: Signed copy of Children's book 'Magnetix' by John Flyn
@Simon85 please send @flynnyman your address
All sorted mate he has actually invited me over to read to him and his lad aslong as I do it in my Morgan freeman voice :) also send me your address for the others :)
Please bare with me whilst I sort this all out
1: 800mm Eze Spat & tpf mug 14"Kraft trowel & 16" s*p*r*lex trowel
Winner @Lodan please send your address to @Plasterers1StopShop and @Gibbo

2: Nela Carbon steel trowel & 600speedskim& tpf mug
Winner @Dropsalot please send me your address and @Danny and @Lodan

3: 0x stainless steel trowel and 1200 speedskim&tpf glass
Winner @theclemo please send @Vincey , @Dropsalot and @Danny your address please

4: Pair of vintage carbon steel Marshall town extralites
@Formby plastering please send me your address

5: 0x corner trowel , roll of carpet protector and a box of scrim
@Rossi46 please send @Pagey , @John j and @JessThePlasterer your address
6: Signed copy of Children's book 'Magnetix' by John Flyn
@Simon85 please send @flynnyman your address

@Vincey @Dropsalot @Danny. Can u please send what I won to @Olican for holding the comp and doing it all for the charity. I have speedskims and trowels I don't use lol and have a Tpf pint glass and mugs. (y)
@Vincey @Dropsalot @Danny. Can u please send what I won to @Olican for holding the comp and doing it all for the charity. I have speedskims and trowels I don't use lol and have a Tpf pint glass and mugs. (y)
I’m same as @theclemo .........stick my prizes back in @Olican .......I can send the trowel I donated to you or the next winner........
To all those who didn’t enter......come on!
Good man yerself @Olican .