protective floor coverings

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New Member
as I am about to do private work from now on I was wondering what price i should be paying for protective floor coverings, I have seen it for £40 roll for 50m but that seems abit much and do you domestic guys cover the full floor or just the edging?
personally i get the customer to a) clear the room of all furniture inc curtains (assuming its a full room) and b) if at all possible roll back the carpet to one ege of the room and scrape the floor afterwards....theyre gonna have to paint the room anyway so it works in their favour...
most carpets will come up easy enough and go back in the same place without having to use a kicker cos theyve usually been down a while...
if im really pushed its 2 or 3 tarps...
theres a knack to domestic jobs, i find its all about cuttin out the hassle...most people are happy to move everything, and if not i charge em for it or walk away from the job, im a plasterer not a removal man...
old people are the exception but even then its usually organised by the family anyway...
and if they treat me like mr bennet then i just price it to suit i.e. pretty much double it...some people get so used to havin theyre arses wiped..
tarps are reusable and cost 5 - 15 quid
protection sheet (i use it for kitchens) polythene..bout 5 - 10 quid 50metre roll
i use the 900x3m dust sheets for hall/stairs/landing
Screwfix do a pack of 3 plastic sheets 12'x12' for 2.99 l just use these will cover any room and can be priced into the job, l then throw them away afterwards.

The cloth sheets for stairs are good also from screwfix l use it as sort of walk way through the house so l don't leave foot prints and c***p ever where

When ever l go into a house and they have had plasters in the past they always mention how much mess they left behind not what a good job they did
Only first thing in the morning

When l go l always get a load so l don't have to go that often

You could get them delivered and pass the cost on ;D
I use polythene sheets if im doing a kitchen and drape them from the top of the units down to the floor (If ceilings getting done) otherwise my mate works for the city council and gets me loads of new dust sheets, its magic ;D
tell u wot, kitchens... a bloody good reason to charge by the set, not the metre... nuff said :D
We get supplied with that clingfilm stuff,quick and easy to use itll stick to carpet,tile, windows anything really,and it stays where you put it for days or weeks if needed
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