public liability insurance

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wats the score on public liability insurance? do you all have it on here for workin in peoples houses or is there some of you on here that dont bother with it???? cheers....

I have quotes but christ stupid money, honest to god I sooner pay for carpet than some of the quotes I have

so no I dont but I will be sorting out for next spring. ... as i think it si a wise idea also covers you for your own accident where you are injured.

I took a stumble last year carrying a big tub of plasterciser hurt my back bad, no boxing training for 2 weeks (good excuse mind!!)

I am back on site now just for xmas and new year so not really needed.


PS when they ask do you work at height... you say NO! infact anything they ask, you say NO!!
cheers for that danny nice one, yeah i have heard crazy money like at least £300 excess!!! sod that! i doubt i;ll be gettin that till the dosh starts rollin in! better off just bein mega careful... ;)
try trades insurance online lads, I'm insured for just myself @ £1million cover for £136. That covers my tools up to £1000 and a few other bits and bobs. I know it costs but your better off having it.
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