pva plasterboard

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New Member
sitting here pondering what would happen if you pva'd plasterboard, would it lower the suction more, or not affect it at all?
in my experience it kills whatever little suction is there, thereby reducing the key but it gives you loads of time, not really a good idea..
if you did want more time on plasterboard, the best thing to do would be to use wba, it'll kill the suction but give you back a key in the grit...
and if you feel the need to pva boards then maybe a new career is worth thinking about
a think youd be there till midnight waiting for it to go off ;Dyou hav plenty of time when skimmin on board anyway
ive only ever pva'd plasterboard when a customer wanted me to skim a bedroom that had been d+d 18 months prior. looked like shed smoked about a million fags in there
I have used PVA on old boards. Or boards which have had paper stripped from them, or artex removed, or whatever.
But freshly put up boards dont need glueing.
I have to ask. What led you to think of it?  :-?
i did a bit of work for me uncle and there was a board left over so he put it up in the room i was going to next 4 him. 12 months later he asked me 2 finish the room off, so i boarded the rest of the room. when it came 2 skimmin i split the room up ceiling, 2 walls and wen i got 2 board thats been up for 12 months it was rock solid (brown)
As thomas says I'd consider it on really old board not being replaced but I'd more likely use WBA or try to replace it.
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