Quote format

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New Member
Alright guys,

How do you guys present your quote/estimate sheets on domestic work? Do you use a 'letter' format or something more like a 'form' with details of the work on.

I've always used a form, kinda looks like an invoice document, but everyone else I know seems to go for a 'letter' format, so am thinking of changing to that.
covering letter with form aswell detailing costs. do you need it for domestic? work over a grand I would consider
I ve just got me logo at the top with me contact details and QUOTE/INVOICE as a header and cross out as needed. Then I just have job description and cost. I always staple a business card to invoices aswell.
As above except I have separate quote/invoice sheets, one of the reasons why I do this is it looks more professional.
in a court of law...should have date of quote ....work to do......then separate invoice after works complete with adjusted date....if not your f**k*d in court.......serious
phippsy333 said:
in a court of law...should have date of quote ....work to do......then separate invoice after works complete with adjusted date....if not your (french word)ed in court.......serious

do you often get taken to court mate? ;D
lol nah but had a company go down on me....oww errr....i nearly lost a fair amount......and legal said if it went to court .. i didnt stand a chance..as one date was missing.....lucky it didnt...and lucky my wifes 2 best friends work for tradd scaffolding legal recovery........
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