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New Member
Hi i bought an 11" ragni trowel from B&Q.
Was just wondering what's the best trowel to use?
On my course we used marshalltown.
But can't really afford one yet so i'll make do with the ragni.
Do i need to sand the edges down? Sure i heard that before somewhere!
you seem to have made your mind up already mate, 'cant afford a marshalltown so ill make do with a ragni'
you seem to have made your mind up already mate, 'cant afford a marshalltown so ill make do with a ragni'

I know steve but my question was is it a good trowel
& my other question was about sanding edges.
It's ok i have read some other older posts now.
I think 11" will be fine as i won't be doing big jobs to start with.
Start off with a ragni trowel then get yourself a nice tyzack.Nothing wrong with that its the person who is using it.
And yes i still have my old carbon ragni in the van and i am proud to use it.[sometimes] o.k. not very often.
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