Patched a solid lime plastered external wall last week with limelite base coat and left 2mm and a mech key with the idea to finish in high impact lime plaster this week.
decorator has stripped the wall paper off and (kindly) persuaded the owners to re-skim the entire wall through.
tarmac say you can't re-skim with limelite high impact finish plaster, so i'm wondering... do i...
a) build out the patch and any areas that need it to square the wall up with limelite base coat, allow to dry and then re-skim the lot with multi
b) build out the patch with 2 mm of bonding, and re-skim the lot with multi
answers on a post card. ;D
decorator has stripped the wall paper off and (kindly) persuaded the owners to re-skim the entire wall through.
tarmac say you can't re-skim with limelite high impact finish plaster, so i'm wondering... do i...
a) build out the patch and any areas that need it to square the wall up with limelite base coat, allow to dry and then re-skim the lot with multi
b) build out the patch with 2 mm of bonding, and re-skim the lot with multi
answers on a post card. ;D