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S a plastering

Private Member
got a old building to do that needs reskimming all the externals are bullnosed just wondering besides the obvious plastic bag for doing the corners is thereanythin better or quicker for doing them cheers dave
I usually just use a wet brush when trowelling up the bullnose.
you can get trowels with a curve for bullnose
but never used em meself
A mate of mine uses a spongefloat ;D ;D
I use an external angle trowel.... what i do is put some finish in the angle then form the curve with a bit of plastic tubing when set its ideal for running the corners as you have a curved external angle trowel.;)
i trowel them up normally then run a dry sponge around them just before its ready for a polish
Render Systems said:
I use an external angle trowel.... what i do is put some finish in the angle then form the curve with a bit of plastic tubing when set its ideal for running the corners as you have a curved external angle trowel.;)

you want to put a patent on that quick before jim reads this.
You've just invented the reverse trowhawk ;D
Get the gear on and leave well alone until later stages of troweling then a light brush over with a wet brush and polish up as normal .
the bag or sponge will do the same job.
bit of gypbond over em helps to stop the trowel pulling it off again..
depends on the radius, if its a real big radius (50mm or more) the gypbond helps loads when you pull your trowel round it - clean trowel every stroke, leave it to go right off..
Marshalltown do a bullnose external trowel, of course this is only any good if you can chose the size bullnose and are not governed by the existing. Still I bought one and put it down the unit with all the other stuff I'll probably never use ???
if the corner is all ready there bagit off if not use bothplains and cut the arc you want into a template and run that then bag it off. if the question is how do you bag off correctly thats another story
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