Remember to Bookmark The Forum!

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Private Member
I think the Government are looking to introduce this sometime in the autumn. They're not really looking to protect children - thought they certainly should - they're looking to stifle free speech and discussion. Why filter forums? Because it's were people get together to discuss things. Will the Plasterers Forum need to change it's name and tags to be found by anyone new...?:confused:
Really? In your dreams, nimrod. Go and beat your wife, or your boyfriend, that's your game
I think the Government are looking to introduce this sometime in the autumn. They're not really looking to protect children - thought they certainly should - they're looking to stifle free speech and discussion. Why filter forums? Because it's were people get together to discuss things. Will the Plasterers Forum need to change it's name and tags to be found by anyone new...?:confused:
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Just u, time and place and up make yr dreams come true f****t

Important questions to ask yourself

  • Do I like myself?
  • Am I able to realize my potential?
  • Why do I get angry?
  • Why do I assign homosexual characteristics to others?
  • Why do I put down others in order to make myself feel better?
  • Why do I feel inadequate?

There are many and various websites available. Good luck. No need to thank me.
clicked on post , just off to bleach my eyes for an hour :RpS_crying: is that a spray tan you got there Beddy?
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