removing old bitumen from a couple of walls

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Well-Known Member
apart from sand blasting whch isnt really an option, any good ways to make life a little easier ive heard white spirit ? suggestions appreciated

and when i say old its been on donkeys years
It's a basement, so can't really batten, the trouble I have had the previous contractor wrapped round the room a membrane but over the already damp plaster which has naturally just got worse, but they didn't even go to the top of the wall with it they left about a 200 gap for some reason put the dpc brickies use at the top and stuck loads of vents in the dabbed board leaving the place to stink of damp over time it's a right mess. It was an old pub and the bottom half of the wall has very old bitumen on just thought someone may have had an easier removing it
It was a very similar system that was used previously but they didn't remove the old already damp plaster it was a right cowboy builders job, I'm going to tank it with sika or ka
I would look at the membrains mate. Your always going to have trouble getting a good key with old coating on the wall.

A brush hammer/needle gun also may work.
Thought i,d keep out of this Carlos :rolleyes) :RpS_wink: , a Newton system is far better then any tanking in a basement ,that is why no one will guarantee any form of wet coated tanking , i started again :RpS_blushing:
last time i had to go over bitumen it was spec'd to use EML. i dont think anything with strip bitumen off
White spirit or thinners will work depending on the age of it so, try a small area first. That said if it is a big room you will be on for an age trying to get it off and use loads of white spirit and rags. On the bright side though the fumes would have you high as a kite.:RpS_thumbup: :RpS_unsure:
Nearly forgot try warming it with a hot air gun before the white spirit but, still wouldn't envy the job.
Acetone gets it off a treat, depends if you can lay your hands on enough of the stuff, try a glass fibre firm thats where we get ours from sell it to us in 5 litre tubs
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