Rendering- Detail Bead?

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New Member
OK so iv taken on some of the advice the lads on here have given me, being get some one else to take on a rendering job and learn from them.

so again like every other week some one said "Do you do rendering?" this time i said yes knowing i have a contact who can. been to see the job, about 50m2 back to the old brick work, needs a scratch and the a flat top coat scaffold already up. the only bit I'm not sure of is the top half is already rendered by the last plasterers, they have told me they want a 2 "beads" at the very top running parallel about 4" wide about 2 foot apart. and also its to be curved (3D?) iv added a pic to sorta show what he meant.

my first fort was to fix battons to get a guide line and fill them up but the curve I'm not sure?

I'm only taking the job on to learn and gain experience im not being a chancer im doin wot u all said and am gettin in a plasterer,he may no the answer when i show him but I'm trying to find out for my self to.
thanks again..........and again
you can buy these string bands and detailing pre made, or form the string band your sen using laths as you said then buy pre formed ogee detailing an stick em on mate , Try the parex website they do em
not a coving detail just at the top of the building, dnt think stop beads are the answer like a 180 angle
thanks ill get on to it. he said he dint want it stuck on as it may fall i said about doin a string line and cuttin out a 2" channel to make a key?
OK iv sorta found wot iz looking for thanks to worrior! but the other thing i for got to say was that the corner of the building is curved aswell! so show the hell would i take one of theys fixings round the corner?
Dont worry if it all turns out good u can call your self a specialist ;D but if it turns out bad never mention it to anyone ;D
You dont mess about do you oasis. It was only a little while ago you had said you had never done any rendering.
Straight in at the deep end mate, i like it.

Good on you!!
Chris W said:
hope it works out mate..
er... what happened to the last plasterers?

wot plasterers?

yea like i said im only there to learn but i may have to attemp the add on detail dont mind having ao now, but the curved wall is ganna be hard! wonder if i can edge it round and rub back the detail and fill it out ect?
I have done a bit repairing bathstone and i know i wouldnt want to do it. Just wack a dowel in and smear it with s,n,c ;D
as it is i have a flat bit of render to work on. and need to make the effect that the pics show the hard bit being the corner. soooo this is not the norm for rendering then i take it lol
No definatley not havent seen it round these parts i have seen similar but going internal rather than out usually on old victorian propertys.
oasis said:
Chris W said:
hope it works out mate..
er... what happened to the last plasterers?

wot plasterers?

oasis said:
the only bit I'm not sure of is the top half is already rendered by the last plasterers, they have told me they want a 2 "beads" at the very top running parallel about 4" wide about 2 foot apart. and also its to be curved (3D?) iv added a pic to sorta show what he meant.
ah i see they got kicked off site chris they did the scratch coat and it all cracked as they dint seem to wet the wall up first. they have rendered most of it and put all the mesh on the corner and the done the top half were the detail is to go on. they had a bust up so the guy i no has got his lads to take the scratch coat off again but left the beads on. I'm gana have to take a load of pic for ya lads to look at. im only giving a quote but they are in need of some1 a.s.a.p if the price is ok the job will be my'n ....... then i can give it away lol
oasis said:
OK iv sorta found wot iz looking for thanks to worrior! but the other thing i for got to say was that the corner of the building is curved aswell! so show the hell would i take one of theys fixings round the corner?
I would assume that these detailing s are quite flexible as they are only eps covered in a fibreglass shell or similar , so you may be able to tease em round the curved section with a few well placed saw cuts to the back and then hold in place with a few screws till the adhesive goes off
how tight is the curve oasis? how about cutting a former (forgotten the proper name for it, pished!) and running the moulding like you would coving etc internally?
Was tryin to steer clear of the former suggestion Pug cos i think the lads got enough on his plate but some body a bit mor exp with S&C would probs go that way
well done oasis its nice to see your taking some advise but to be honest you have took on a tricky one. What you need to do is make yourself a running mould, a very simple one with a half circle for the shape you need, fix a batton on to the wall and run along this, you need a small slipper on the running mould so you can run along the curved part of the wall, maybe using a rapid hardening cement, you may have to scrape into the rendering to provide a key for the mould or use one of the man made keys. Do a search on how to make running mould but be warned what ever price your thinking of add half of it and make sure whoever is helping you knows what they are doing.
I'm still waiting to hear back from that web site, but flynnyman i like wot your saying! here is how i see wot you saying:


Then i read it again

So if i plug and screw 2" by 2" batton to the wall (in a straight line)

Try and bend it round the corner by cutting out the back a bit

Apply the render so it is at least 2" thick and about 4" up the wall

Let it go for a while

Use a hand made tool at like say 180 and wet it up and run this along the batton and wall making the shape.

maybe wet up with a brush to help with it Drying to quick


oh and cut out for a key first

sound about rite to you?

i had a quick goggle but dint find much on this
wow that looks a bit clever for my liking. would the way i said work? would a tool cut the shape in sand and cement or is there a better material i could use
it'll work with s+c, not a quick job tho especially if you've not done it before.
ok I'm hearing you people. just had a call back from the web site and they said they will send a sample and that the pieces just get stuck on easy but they only come the length of a standard brick! so loads of joining up to do . i do think it would look better if it was all on big thing in sand and cement

ill get some pics up soon.
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