rendering in the winter

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just a thought, is it ok to render in freezing conditions, not that you'd want to. does it make a difference to the strengh.
should always be 5 degrees c and rising, otherwise it will freeze forming ice crystals and once it thaws render goes all dusty and powdery. :( its always a pain this time of year.
Can do it but its really unpleasant. Last winter i remember we used to go out in the mornings and wet the walls down and within 5 minutes a sheet of ice had formed over them..we just went home on those days ;D its a depressing winter in glasgow :'(
Quite right rendering in frosty conditions is baaaaaaaaaaad even the use of mortar anti freeze products is frowned upon in my opinion
Quite right rendering in frosty conditions is baaaaaaaaaaad even the use of mortar anti freeze products is frowned upon in my opinion

i'm with you mate. tell your customers to wait till spring.
curious answers the real no go about rendering in winter is the small matter of expanson. the water in the render expands when it freezes and so when it thaws out it leaves cracks or shells off best advice i can give is leave it till spring lol
curious answers the real no go about rendering in winter is the small matter of expanson. the water in the render expands when it freezes and so when it thaws out it leaves cracks or shells off best advice i can give is leave it till spring lol
Quite right thats why i dont like anti freeze products, give the impression everythings ok with the mortar in the cold when it is'nt
does this apply to bagged renders as well or just s&c? i've always assumed it does, but as we're discussing it...
does this apply to bagged renders as well  or just s&c? i've always assumed it does, but as we're discussing it...
Only mortar, bagged renders only use clean water, i have heard of an accelerant being used but never seen it
does anyone no why councils always run big render contracts thru the bad weather,the job im on ends every march and kicks off every august,they now how cold affects work as well as we do,but all ways choose the worst months,any ideas?
so when the water freezes up does hessian actually do anything if left covered overnight ?
i had crows feet jetman once and had to take the lot off with a floor scraper ; was the only time though and i should have known really because when i wet the spot board down it froze over by the time it came to scraping it off!.....................i use that as an indicator know!
GMW - maybe its something to do with the cost or availability of labour during the summer months.
does anyone no why councils always run big render contracts thru the bad weather,the job im on ends every march and kicks off every august,they now how cold affects work as well as we do,but all ways choose the worst months,any ideas?
youll find this happening with a lot of council contracts for this reason...
every april they get a new 'allowance' from the government...
if they havent yet spent lasy years allowance they get it knocked off this years...
so what happens is they decide to spend it quick smart, so they bung out a load of tenders, end of march..
time the tenders been won, the job surveyed, organised and the containers are on site full of gear ready to go your lookin at end of august / september...
we used to get it every year on the window game... kept us goin right through the year... even christmas...punters really love it when your bookin em on to have all theyre windows ripped out on christmas eve ;D
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