Hey guys.
Some of you may have already seen, that I am in here looking for someone to render my timber garage that I am in the process of building.
I want to do as much of it myself, not to save on money, but for the experience. But when It comes to the render, I think I've made the wise choice to get one of you pros in to do it, and I think the choice has come to a thin coat (?) system.
A part of the garage, about 2 meters, will be against next doors garage, which means you won't be able to get to it to render it.
As ill be building panels, that just lift into place and screw together (almost like these SIP panels), flat pack style, could I have this panel, or even all the panels rendered before erection?
Once they go up, then some kind of expansion sealer down the joints?
Behind the render system will be battens forming a vented/drained cavity.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Some of you may have already seen, that I am in here looking for someone to render my timber garage that I am in the process of building.
I want to do as much of it myself, not to save on money, but for the experience. But when It comes to the render, I think I've made the wise choice to get one of you pros in to do it, and I think the choice has come to a thin coat (?) system.
A part of the garage, about 2 meters, will be against next doors garage, which means you won't be able to get to it to render it.
As ill be building panels, that just lift into place and screw together (almost like these SIP panels), flat pack style, could I have this panel, or even all the panels rendered before erection?
Once they go up, then some kind of expansion sealer down the joints?
Behind the render system will be battens forming a vented/drained cavity.
Any advice would be appreciated.