Resilient bars or not?


New Member
I need to level a ceiling before putting up the plasterboard. I‘ve seen two options.

first, and at the Moment the most logical is to cross batten the ceiling with with wooden battens to provide a level and flat surface for the board. I‘ll lose about an inch of height from the ceiling, but it’s an old house and the joists differ so much in level height, I’ll need to use a lot of shims and levelling.

second, use metal rb2 resilient bars as cross battens. I’ve only just discovered these, and don’t even know if it’s workable to set these up on this ceiling given the amount of levelling I need to do between each joist, and how the levelling would work as shims etc don’t appear to be useable? they are only 7mm in depth, so I’d not lose as much ceiling height.

the ceiling joists are 3x2 apart from one main 2x4 and I’ve no need to the acoustic benefits of the rb2 resilient bars.

my preferred option is number one, but I’d appreciate views on the use of resilient bars in this situation, in an old cottage with very un-level joists.
I need to level a ceiling before putting up the plasterboard. I‘ve seen two options.

first, and at the Moment the most logical is to cross batten the ceiling with with wooden battens to provide a level and flat surface for the board. I‘ll lose about an inch of height from the ceiling, but it’s an old house and the joists differ so much in level height, I’ll need to use a lot of shims and levelling.

second, use metal rb2 resilient bars as cross battens. I’ve only just discovered these, and don’t even know if it’s workable to set these up on this ceiling given the amount of levelling I need to do between each joist, and how the levelling would work as shims etc don’t appear to be useable? they are only 7mm in depth, so I’d not lose as much ceiling height.

the ceiling joists are 3x2 apart from one main 2x4 and I’ve no need to the acoustic benefits of the rb2 resilient bars.

my preferred option is number one, but I’d appreciate views on the use of resilient bars in this situation, in an old cottage with very un-level joists.
If your ceilings not level res bar won’t do shite, the best option would be to use a metal frame ceiling. The charge for the advice is £1000 PayPal and cheque accepted.
I’m catching you up with these cheques now tommy boy @Tom81
I've levelled up a few using 2x1 roofing lath along the joists. Setup laser line about 1m from ceiling, use tape from bottom of each joist and take a measurement each end and in the middle where tape hits laser line. Write this down to work out the lowest joist. Level this one up first. Get a bit of lath and hold it from the bottom of this one and make a mark where laser line hits it. Use this as your measurement to do the rest. Drill clearance holes on the lath for your screws where you put your packers. Once you get into a routine, it doesn't take too long. Just keep checking across each levelled joist with a straight edge as you go.
I've levelled up a few using 2x1 roofing lath along the joists. Setup laser line about 1m from ceiling, use tape from bottom of each joist and take a measurement each end and in the middle where tape hits laser line. Write this down to work out the lowest joist. Level this one up first. Get a bit of lath and hold it from the bottom of this one and make a mark where laser line hits it. Use this as your measurement to do the rest. Drill clearance holes on the lath for your screws where you put your packers. Once you get into a routine, it doesn't take too long. Just keep checking across each levelled joist with a straight edge as you go.
thanks for this, very much appreciated!
If your ceilings not level res bar won’t do shite, the best option would be to use a metal frame ceiling. The charge for the advice is £1000 PayPal and cheque accepted.
I’m catching you up with these cheques now tommy boy @Tom81
That's only because you've got three of mine,
Could do with them as well had a real s*** week, on Thursday a freak hail and sleet storm hit my job, I was wet through to the bone freezing my nuts off with the Corona scraping a gable back off
That's only because you've got three of mine,
Could do with them as well had a real s*** week, on Thursday a freak hail and sleet storm hit my job, I was wet through to the bone freezing my nuts off with the Corona scraping a gable back off
3???? I only thought it was 2 I’ll have to wait for another victim I mean customer/enquirer to give advice to, I had a front wash off Tuesday afternoon about an hour away from being finished I was gutted. I keep teasing myself with them 24” ragni flexi trowels
3???? I only thought it was 2 I’ll have to wait for another victim I mean customer/enquirer to give advice to, I had a front wash off Tuesday afternoon about an hour away from being finished I was gutted. I keep teasing myself with them 24” ragni flexi trowels
I tried! 2 then,
Get one of them trowels mate