right mix for render?

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hi lads,hope your all good,just trying to pick your brains a bit.ive got a rendering job on wednesday,just wondering the right mix for scratch coat and top coat onto clinker block?and how long to leave between coats.be everso grateful if you could help us out,cheers guys :) :) :)
alls well for me and mine... started a massive refurb today, 2 of us are being selfish with it (times not an issue) so we're good till end of feb ;)
Rendering seems to be one that different people have different ways of doing it for the scratch coat i have been adding fibres like the stuff you get in screed seems to strengthen it up and stop cracking (well thats what i tell the customers ;)) 4:1 and top coat 5:1:1 the extra 1 is hydrated lime and sand is holme sand i always add waterproofer to both coats and most important let the scratch coat cure before you topcoat :)
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