Ritmo m

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Just brought a ritmo m,sprayed up210 before what it like on hardwall? What can it spray and what can't it spray any advice be greatly appreciated want a longer lance for it as well how much are they?
Wayne had a delivery in today gimme a ring either tomorrow or Tuesday and i can get those parts sent out

Hi all

Have a question about the avr pump for my ritmo.
Water pressure was piss pore at job today so set the external water pump up and motor at back just spinning slower than a snail.
Machine stop start as no pressure then blocked.
Can I send it to you or @PFTwales to service it?
Hi kyle,was you using a large bore pipe? if you use a small pipe thats not reinforced the pump sucks the pipe flat and water will not flow correctly.
If the pump is running of mains which is poor pressure you wont be getting the volume into your water pump set up a watter butt and run ur pump of that
Cheers lads for all the help I will run down what we did and what was occurring.

We knew water pressure was shite so pump out and onto mains. Water flowed through pump. We filled water butt. Pump was connected and hose dropped in water but. Didn't prime it and wasn't pulling water from hose through the pump.
Back motor didn't want to spin.
Connected it to mains again water came through the outlet but back motor fan prob doing half a turn every 15 secs.
Back motor was very hot.
Im thinking motor f**k*d?

We ended up hand balling it lucky it was only 18m and not a 50m flank!!
Ritmo m
We also split the power off 1 mains lead.
Tried genni too but just with pump but not connected to water butt motor did the same slow spin!
This sounds like your water pump motor has become jammed which can happen if they are not used for a while.
What you need to do it turn it on and firmly tap the motor area close to the can to free it up.
Dont leave the motor struggling u will burn it out.
try it give it some taps turn it off wait a bit then repeat
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