sand\ lime putty\gypsum mix

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I have got a job of plastering a large lath and plaster wall I have dun small repair patches up till now using sand\lime but this something new to me the spec say sand\ lime putty\gypsum mix I forget the ratio but what gypsum do you use ie plaster of paris if so what set do you use ie slow medium or fast or do you use multi finish also what is the set time between coats is it the same as sand lime 4 days or so
There is no Gypsum involved mate only Lime, Google lime plaster or go to the St Astier site al the info is their.
Sorry but our architects has put gypsum it in the spec and he has got heritage to approve it, it’s a grade 2* building and I think he want to get I the job completed on time and can not wait for the normal time lime to set
i know in states we used to use putty lime and gauging plaster it was very strong gypsum that you gauged in to the lime in a circle on your spot board about 4-1 i seem to remember,lovely to use but takes ages to set hard not to finish but to set i mean week slater you could still put your finger nail in and make a mark.
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