saying hi to all existing forum members

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New Member
Good afternoon all,

Id just like to introduce myself to all the forum members,
Iv been in the construction game since 1998 and was introduced to plastering when i first left the military in 2003 and have not looked back since. some years ago i decided to get formal qualifications for the predictable future in possible site work. i decided to use 'Gold Trowel' and appreciate all they helped me with and would certainly recommend to anyone who asked my advise. i hope to enjoy posting, answering and involving myself in the forum discussions in the future.

you have done a good job danny, the site looks fantastic.

Welcome along marra :RpS_thumbup:

Think we need an ex-servicemans' club on here, there's quite a few members now.
Military eh charlie dont know whether a tour afghan or a lifetime on the trowel which is hardest?lol welcome !
I'm guessing Charley is a girl?
Another girl :-0 another ex military :-0
please don't tell me your a Geordie too :RpS_scared:
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