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well i have 40L of the stuff and it says loads of nice things on the tub like waterproof flexi strong ect lol
if you're rendering walls that are reasonably flat, mix it up as a slurry with sand and cement and paint it on and treat that as a scratch coat. i wouldn't trowel it on though, cleaning your tools would be a right pig.
ah on so SBR is only used for priming walls and making slurry coast ect

can i water down sbr to say 6-1 and lash over old brickwork for a prime.. as today i had old brick work i ran a hose over it for 10mins and layed on a scratch coat and it still pulled in way to fast?
not sure about that mate, maybe some one else could shed some light. i've only ever used it as a slurry before rendering or mixed with water and swept over the floor prior to screeding
oasis said:
ah on so SBR is only used for priming walls and making slurry coast ect

can i water down sbr to say 6-1 and lash over old brickwork for a prime.. as today i had old brick work i ran a hose over it for 10mins and layed on a scratch coat and it still pulled in way to fast?
dont water it down just a slurry of 2:1 is the norm
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