scim and scrim.

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New Member
Heres one for the domestic lads mostly,youve all seen external scrim cloth,big rolls about a metre wide and probably 50 metres long,anyway if your doing a rescim to a bad surface ie old artex;old lath walls and such try bedding a layer of scrim onto the whole wall on the first coat then secound coat as norm,it straightens out walls that might have otherwise needed a bonding coat,it will also give a mint finnish and it just wont crack.
all the best ,gmw. ;)
hi m8

are you on about the scrim that is used to cover fibreglass insulation blocks/ permerock ect, I used to use this gear on towerblocks to bond the insulation blocks before rendering /dashing, if so how much a roll would this cost? cannot see it being cheap
Thats the tack,around seventy quid a roll i think,aint saying use all the time,but if you can nick a roll its worth thinking about and it saves hours on the bonding set.
Nicking materials now thats not good behaviour :mad: it aint worth the risk of a bad name in this trade especially on things that are expensive, the odd bag of skim you can get away with (plus if you ask they usually let you take it) but on 70 quid roll of scrim tut tut shame on you ;D
qypbonds a good one aswell you can charge the customer 50 for it :D you can even make a bit of fuel money on scrim at a fiver ..........................lets see if i nick a roll every day ..................... i could be a millionaire in 769 years :cool:
It would be good for those crazy paving looking walls in some of the old houses, takes a lot of time to tape them up!
I am gonna have to try the fibers to the skim, i gotta do a render job this week that requires fibers in the scratch so i am gonna try it on a wall in my house see how it goes.
bodplasterer said:
I am gonna have to try the fibers to the skim, i gotta do a render job this week that requires fibers in the scratch so i am gonna try it on a wall in my house see how it goes.

how did it go? sounds like it would be cheaper than £70 a roll of scrim
I still havent done any more plastering i my house since i wrote this so i havent tried it yet, but always use it in render now just for piece of mind.
ive mentioned this before on another thread, the mesh comes in well handy when boarding simply isn't an option due to things like ceiling roses, cornices, etc. you can practically guarantee a crack free finish using this on surfaces that are essentially sound but full of hairline cracks. I had some left over from an acrylic job so I put it in a tight coat of bonding then skimmed but can see how it might be better to just pva then embedd in first coat of skim if time allows to fart about with the mesh on the set. Nice one. SAS Europe do all sorts of mesh for internal plastering as well as rendering.
The mesh is £50.00 a roll for 50 m2 but you can get it down to £28.00 i use it loads on mono but the last internal job i did whas on a wall where some tw*t put there foot through the wall so i re-boarded with fibre board and 2 coats of mesh in a bonding coat to straighten then skimmed it... next time the tw*t tries to smash the wall he will bnreak his foot.....
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