Self cleaning renders


New Member

I am going to be having some rendering done on my house later this year and I am doing a bit of research into the best product to use. The render has got to be in bright White and I want a thin coat silicone or acrylic type render so the risk of cracking is reduced.

Given that I want White and there are going to be some wall areas that will be a right pain to reach in future to periodically clean I was looking at renders that might have some self cleaning properties. I know Sto do the Lotusan render here and Jub do Nanoxil and Baumit do NanoporTop here Link Removed

Have any of you got experience of using these so called self cleaning renders? Can you recommend a good one to use? Have you seen them 5 or 10 years after application and do they look any cleaner than a normal silicone or acrylic render?

I am not expecting them to be magic and understand that if a bird craps on it then nothing is going to keep that clean but anything that can help to keep the surface clean has got to be a bonus.

Thanks for your replies in advance.
Not acrylic, (cheapest)

Silicone, high Silicone, ideally nano.

Like you mentioned or nano drex

If you go acrylic though, or similar you could coat over the high exposure areas with a nano paint, and get same Lotus effect, depending on budget etc
Brightest white I think I’ve used was fassas silicone and acrylic,was painfully white...but was in brentwood,So take from that what you will !!
Self cleaning renders are a sales point,with an inflated’ll still have to wait for the elements for it to be cleaned...or get the missus up a ladder ;),either one...
get the missus up a ladder.
woman ladder GIF
The house in front of me is fassa bortolos white mono the house next door looks cream to it... Every other brand is like an off white.
Jub and Sto do a nano silicone.

But self cleaning? It works when water (rain) runs down collecting the dirt but what about under eaves, soffit boards, sills and the East side what keeps dry? It will probably physically clean easier with soapy water and brush.
Self cleaning, breathable all a load of b*llocks...we the people ain't going to be taken the piss out of anymore.
Think Johnstone’s use the self cleaning line in there adverts for silicone they say same with the “anti crack” ffs what a stupid punch line
A person must be totally stupid to think anything outside cleans itself and doesn’t get dirty
Think Johnstone’s use the self cleaning line in there adverts for silicone they say same with the “anti crack” ffs what a stupid punch line
A person must be totally stupid to think anything outside cleans itself and doesn’t get dirty

Doesn't take much probably over half the population believe that a homemade mask will protect them from COVID.
Think Johnstone’s use the self cleaning line in there adverts for silicone they say same with the “anti crack” ffs what a stupid punch line
A person must be totally stupid to think anything outside cleans itself and doesn’t get dirty