I am going to be having some rendering done on my house later this year and I am doing a bit of research into the best product to use. The render has got to be in bright White and I want a thin coat silicone or acrylic type render so the risk of cracking is reduced.
Given that I want White and there are going to be some wall areas that will be a right pain to reach in future to periodically clean I was looking at renders that might have some self cleaning properties. I know Sto do the Lotusan render here https://www.sto.co.uk/en/products/finishes-and-paints/facade-renders/stolotusan.html and Jub do Nanoxil and Baumit do NanoporTop here Link Removed
Have any of you got experience of using these so called self cleaning renders? Can you recommend a good one to use? Have you seen them 5 or 10 years after application and do they look any cleaner than a normal silicone or acrylic render?
I am not expecting them to be magic and understand that if a bird craps on it then nothing is going to keep that clean but anything that can help to keep the surface clean has got to be a bonus.
Thanks for your replies in advance.
I am going to be having some rendering done on my house later this year and I am doing a bit of research into the best product to use. The render has got to be in bright White and I want a thin coat silicone or acrylic type render so the risk of cracking is reduced.
Given that I want White and there are going to be some wall areas that will be a right pain to reach in future to periodically clean I was looking at renders that might have some self cleaning properties. I know Sto do the Lotusan render here https://www.sto.co.uk/en/products/finishes-and-paints/facade-renders/stolotusan.html and Jub do Nanoxil and Baumit do NanoporTop here Link Removed
Have any of you got experience of using these so called self cleaning renders? Can you recommend a good one to use? Have you seen them 5 or 10 years after application and do they look any cleaner than a normal silicone or acrylic render?
I am not expecting them to be magic and understand that if a bird craps on it then nothing is going to keep that clean but anything that can help to keep the surface clean has got to be a bonus.
Thanks for your replies in advance.